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Thisted Bryghus

Thisted, Denmark


Limfjords PorterThisted Bryghus
Thisted, Denmark
7.9% ABV
The Limfjords Porter, or Liim Porter, was created by Thisted Bryghus in 1989 after seven years of experimentation. The name derives from the Urban Brewery in Aalborg, where Brygmesteren from Thisted Bryghus in the late ‘70s “beat its folds”. Here he received the first “taste” of provincial life and this particular beer, which is often in Thisted auspices referred to as “beer gentleman.” The name was bought by Urban upon the brewery’s closure in 1986. Brygmesteren played with the Limfjord Porter recipe until 1997, after which he no longer believed that could improve the product. The right mixture was achieved. The recipe contains an unusual though intriguing blend of smoked malt and English licorice resulting in an elegant balance on a slightly higher level than usually seen, making it the brewmaster’s personal favorite and “heart baby”.