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Oxford, CT


Oxford, CT
Pale Ale
8% ABV
Coolship LagerOEC
Oxford, CT
Lammin SahtiOEC
Oxford, CT
8% ABV
Brewed by Tony Pellino (OEC), Benjamin Neidhard (BUI) and Pekkä Kääriäinen (Lammin Sahti) for B. United International. Finnish Sahti is a truly ancient beer style, dating back thousands of years and not using hops. This means a quick fermenting process and genuine “drink by” beer. Dating back to the 1500s, this beer is still mostly produced near Helsinki in traditional sahti brewing equipment like open wooden mash tuns and troughlike wooden lauter tuns (Äúkuurnas‚Äù) with a filter bed made of juniper twigs (the juniper acts as the main preservative). Sahti is an all-malt beer (Pilsener or Pale malt, Crystal barley malt and dark rye malt) with Finnish Baker’s yeast that produces phenols and esters similar to those produced by the classic Bavarian wheat (weisse) beer yeast. Pekka traveled to OEC (Ordinem Ecentrici Coctores – Order of the Eccentric Boilers) at B. United in Connecticut last month to brew with OEC Brewing brewmaster Ben Neidhart to create “a Sahti as fresh as possible at our facility and then release it to customers in as fresh a state as possible.” Everything in the OEC Sahti is authentic; even the baker’s yeast was imported from Finland.
Morpheus & PhantusOEC
Oxford, CT
6.3% ABV
Oxford, CT
Sour Ale
4.8% ABV
Oxford, CT
9% ABV
Zynergia ArtamasOEC
Oxford, CT
6.3% ABV
Zynergia ErosOEC
Oxford, CT
8.2% ABV